Saturday, January 21, 2017




We would like to put forward our recommendations for the new housing planned for the station area in Brigg on behalf of our Brigg Line Rail Group.
We fully support the redevelopment of the area but would like to add the following points:
1. The main entrance to the station must be easily accessible to contracts and ideally the eye sight view from the entrance to station road must be obtained. 
2. The provision of a mini roundabout at the start of the estate is vital; the forming of the Community Rail and Bus partnership this year means bus services like the 450 will be planned to call at Brigg station. There is also the situation where if engineering work is taking place then a replacement coach service needs to turn around in the station area.
3 A bus stop at the end of Station Road.
4. Station Road to come under North Lincolnshire Council highways and not be unadopted; major issues with the road not been gritted, potholes, faded parking spaces, etc etc.
5. Trees need to be removed/trimmed at start of Station Road;  double decker bus would struggle to get up without damaging roof; problems with tree sap covering the main Brigg railway sign means no new signage or posterboards can be erected at this prime location. 
6. Some form of pedestrian signage on Station Road highlighting the new Holland Park and direction towards the railway station. 
7 Bright LED streetlighting on estate and upgrade on Station Road. 
8 Allocated parking for railway station users.
9 Public bins in area especially in the new market traders area
10 CCTV camera to be reinstated on Hewson House, pointing up Station Road.

NF ADDS: A decision on the application for outline planning permission has yet to be made by North Lincolnshire Council but we expect this to be undertaken in the not too distant future.

Paul Johnson at Brigg railway station


Ken Harrison said...

One very important condition that needs to be pro-actively resolved will be the identification of an alternative and acceptable venue for the annual Travellers' Fair.
Unless a substitute site is allocated, there is/will be a danger that the travellers' gathering will find its own site in Brigg.
The Authority must remain in control; inherent in the lack of control will expose any open space, including the Rec, being utilised for this event.

Ken Harrison said...

One very important condition that needs to be pro-actively resolved will be the identification of an alternative and acceptable venue for the annual Travellers' Fair.
Unless a substitute site is allocated, there is/will be a danger that the travellers' gathering will find its own site in Brigg.
The Authority must remain in control; inherent in the lack of control will expose any open space, including the Rec, being utilised for this event.

The Independent Brigg Line Rail Group said...

Extra security will be provided again including police patrols to protect the station.