Wednesday, July 08, 2015


Legal and administrative work is still going on to resolve who's going to oversee and manage  Brigg Millennium Green in years to come.
Brigg Blog took a stroll down Elwes Street and Cadney Road the other day and took these pictures.
The grass has been growing steadily in the summer sun, with the benefit of watering from the occasional heavy downpour. There is seating but we haven't seen anyone using it of late.
One of the Green's aims is to provide a tranquil spot close to the Old River Ancholme, and the town centre, where folk can go to sit and reflect on life, picnic or just munch a lunch-time sandwich.
Brigg Town Council and North Lincolnshire Council are working together to safeguard the future of this Year 2000 project, a  trust having run the Green for a good many years.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

Perhaps the best management strategy for MG is just let it grow wild....sow it with wild flowers to attract bees and flutterflies....then it would need only one cut a year in the autumn....this will dead head the wild flowers and spread the seen for subsequent displays...