Sunday, October 12, 2014


The wording of a planning application for a small development in Brigg had councillors wondering.
North Lincolnshire Council passed the following on to Brigg Town Council: "Approval for prior approval for a householder extension - Nicolgate, 26 Wrawby Road, Brigg."
Members of Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee, meeting in the Angel Suite Lounge,  seemed unsure what was meant by "approval for prior approval."

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

Dead simps, Nige.....This notification can be used by a householder to notify a local planning authority of the intention to use the permitted development rights
to build a single-storey rear extension of greater than four metres up to eight metres for a detached house and greater than three metres
up to six metres for any other type of house outside Article 1(5) land (ie within National Parks) and sites of special scientific interest.
But it's worth checking the most recent ruling re 'permitted area' as the government recently increased it.
Overall, this allows a householder to give the authority prior notice of an intention to build within the permitted limits - the council checks that the plans are within the limits - rubber stamps....but the plans will still need to conform to building regs....