Thursday, December 04, 2008


Many months after the initial complaint about bad visibility on Cadney Road, Brigg, North Lincolnshire Council has had the offending foliage (near Candley Beck bridge) trimmed back. However, it's not quite what the original complainant was hoping for.
She says: "They have trimmed the tops of the shrubs back to the top of the fence, which has improved visibility a little, but not much.
"What they should have done is cut back to ground level as they always used to do. By June, they will be just as tall again, and we will be in the same position as this year."
Brigg Town Council put pressure on the highways authority to get things sorted but when the issue was raised at a recent meeting was unclear whether the necessary action had been taken.
Coun Ben Nobbs (pictured) thought it had - but Brigg Blog will alert the town clerk about what now seems to be a partial success.

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