Saturday, October 27, 2007


I've never quite seen the point of keeping this public footpath open, linking Yarborough Road with Churchill Avenue.
Brigg Town Council mounted a determined campaign, some years ago, and won the day at a public inquiry when the footpath seemed destined to close.
It is very, very narrow and squeezed between the back gardens of houses. The only view to 'enjoy' is high fences either side. And conditions underfoot are poor.
It's far more pleasant to walk along either St James' Road or O'Hanlon Avenue, rather than use this footpath. The difference in distance is minimal, and you will keep your shoes clean!
True, ramblers can be seen, from time to time, walking the footpath. But how many non-ramblers actually use it?
Perhaps the survival of this walkway is down to a bit of Brigg history. In the dim, distant past - long before the current houses were constructed - it was known as Clothes Hedge Path. Housewives used to take their washing along and drape it on hedges to dry in the sun.
A very quaint story but you won't see any sheets, pillow cases, Y-fronts or ladies' bloomers there now!

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